In 2000, MMUI introduced a new concentration in Operations Management to complement the choices offered by the regular program. Also in 2001, MMUI made a big step in the development of the program by introducing two new MM specialized programs, namely the Risk Management and the Capital Market program. The Risk Management program was developed to support the Indonesian banking industry in improving risk management capabilities as developed into an international banking standard by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). The Capital Market program was designed based on demand and cooperation with the Jakarta Stock Exchange to improve the quality of human resources engaged in the Indonesian Capital Market. In 2003, MMUI again introduced a new concentration of Human Resource Management. With the introduction of this new concentration, MMUI has completed all areas of management functions.
Thus, since 2003, MMUI has offered more options, consisting of 5 (five) concentrations for regular programs: International Management, Marketing Management, Financial Management, Operations Management, and Human Resource Management. 4 (four) choices for specialized MM programs, namely MM-CAAE, Actuarial Management, Risk Management, and Capital Market.